As I wind down from an epic week in Sydney for the 2018 dōTERRA Convention, I’ve found myself coming back to one talk over & over. The powerful Rosie Nerney, talked about Who Am I Really & bared her true self. Now as she explained when we go to talk about ourselves we generally list the ‘Labels’.

For myself this rang true, I have always done this……..I’m a Daughter, Mother, Wife, Sister, Business Owner, dōTERRA Leader etc…….. Very rarely do we look at who we really are. What makes us tick, gets us fired up, pisses us off, brings that smile to your face like nothing else?

This past few months I haven’t been sharing/ posting as much as I normally would. I’ve been feeling a wee bit lost, disconnected, not really sure what the heck I’m doing! I had this plan & it just didn’t work out & I haven’t dealt with that very well.

I’ve taken a big hard emotional look in the mirror to rediscover who I really am & why I started this business in the first place………..

Arrggh, what a question!


** My kids are more important to me than anything else, it’s so important to me that I be the best mummy & wife I can be. While this isn’t who I am exactly, I am still a mum to 2 beautiful kids who need me first before everything else. I believe being a good parent and role model is the most important job in the world.

** I’m a self-confessed Home & Away junkie, actually I love all soapy girly type TV shows. I’ve recently discovered Netflix & let’s just say not a lot is getting done!

** I love a good coffee, beer, wine & just about every other alcoholic drink.

** I’m a country girl at heart, I love camping & getting back to basics. Exploring new places & what they have to offer.

** I love the bush & the beach but swimming isn’t my thing.

** I’m a girly girl, love getting dressed up but don’t wear make up very often unless its a special event like a wedding.

** Going shopping is one of my happy places, I love walking around looking at all the pretty things & seeing what bargains I can find.

** I love to dance, I’m not very good at it but I don’t care. A night out with your favourite band, good friends & letting loose on the dance floor is good for the soul!

** Love music especially live, Aussie Hip Hop is my jam. Hill Top Hoods will always be my fav! I’ll never forget the first time we saw them live!

** Team sport isn’t really my thing but I love Zumba, Yoga and walking when I find the time.

** I’m a big stress head, worry wort, over thinker, always worrying about the what if’s. Pre-oils I use to rock back & forward to cope, go to sleep or vomit if I was scared or have a panic attack these days I go sniff the essential oil bottle.

** Heights, small spaces, flying & elevators all freak me out but I usually push myself & do them anyway. You won’t catch me jumping out of a plane anytime soon though…..

** I’ve always been drawn to things that are a bit spiritual hippy even like crystals, guardian angles, Essential Oils & alternative medicines.

** I’m terrified of Spiders to the point of having panic attacks when caught by surprise. I’m not overly keen on bugs in general or anything that flies at you including birds.

** I’m slightly OCD, to me everything has a place, a home. When it’s not back where it lives I get cranky. When all the house work jobs start to pile up I don’t cope very well. Since having 2 kids I’ve had to work hard to let that go a little.

** I write everything down, I usually have lists on top of lists on top of lists plus lists on my phone. I’ve got a calendar on the fridge and my phone & would usually have a diary. That’s how I try not to forget things, which I still do & sleep at night. Once it’s out of my head, I can relax.

** I love computers. Creating images, documents & manuals on the computer for my team & business. This comes easy to me, I’ve got a Diploma in Business Administration. My previous job was working with the Councillors & CEO for the Shire of Ashburton. I love that I can incorporate my administration background into my business! Those hard years studying are coming in handy!

** It brings me great joy to show people how easy it is to actually make your own products, with little ingredients that actually work better than the shop brought shit! I’ve been making it my mission to help people get started with simple D.I.Y projects.

** Expressing my feelings, emotions & saying how I feel is not my strong point. Saying I love you doesn’t come easy for me. I’m working on this ?

** I’m not a writer, nor can I spell, read or add up for that matter. I struggled at school but I’m not going to let that stop me from showing up & giving it my all.

But who am I really? What do I value, truly believe & what gets me fired up?

** I believe hard work pays off. Don’t sit there on your ass saying you want something & then not doing anything about it. If you want something, go out & make it happen.

** I believe everything happens for reason & we can learn from every situation and person we meet.

** I truly believe as the quote goes ‘it’s ok to be scared but don’t let fear overpower your mind & control you’. You can be scared, but say fuck it & get up and do it anyway. Trust me there is no greater feeling than over coming fear!!

** I believe in everything in moderation when it comes to food & eating a well-balanced diet.

** I believe when you make a mistake, own it, say sorry and learn from it.

** Big commercial companies piss me off, the false advertising, fancy bright labels & complete lack of care with the ingredients they are putting in products & food is just plain scary. They know too well what damage they are doing to people’s bodies & our babies but they don’t care because they are making money! That makes my blood boil!!! I try not to buy their products or even use them where possible, especially when it comes to my kids.

** Bullying makes me very angry & sad! It’s not ok. I was bullied and picked on in high school. It breaks my heart to think what kids are going through now especially with social media.

** Children have always had a special place in my heart, I worked in the child care industry for around 10 years. I believe that if we can show kids another tool to help them to manage their stress, give them a little power back we will reduce the amount of kids who are struggling and the high suicide rate.

** I believe you can’t help someone that doesn’t want to be helped. Everyone can change but they have to want too, truly be ready & willing to do the work!

** I believe we should treat others, how we want to be treated.

** I believe you attract what energy you put out. If your positive, then positive things will come your way. If you’re a negative nancy, then shit will just keep going wrong.

** I believe everyone should have the right to share their message, voice their opinion & stand up for what they believe in without been disrespected.

** I believe knowledge is power, we should all do our own research & not believe everything you hear or read on google.


I started this business back in Feb 2016 for a few reasons. One chapter was closing in our lives, we had decided to stay in Tom Price instead of moving to Newman. We were having our first baby due Feb 2016 but I was really scared of losing me & my voice when I became a mother and I wanted something to keep me busy in our small town, bit of a hobby. I’ve always had either really busy jobs or two or three at once. I thrive on being really busy!

When you become a mum everything changes, naturally life becomes about them not you. Now I couldn’t wait to become a mother, it was a dream come true but I was terrified about losing me! In order to be the best mum I believe you still need to take care of yourself, do things for you & truly be happy. I also believe you need to keep your precious brain active, put it to good use otherwise it will shrivel up & in my case baby brain will fully take over!

I discovered the oils while pregnant, quickly fell in love & was reading this little purple booklet from my up-line about the business opportunity & thought ‘hey I could do that’. I knew the oils were awesome, they worked & thought everyone else needs these as well. I was then talking to my bestie & thought wouldn’t it be awesome to be a ‘one stop shop’. I wanted to run workshops & sell all the accessories so people can hit the ground running. I also love making all my own products so I wanted to incorporate that too & show people its super easy to do it yourself. I ALSO have a love for sewing & thought I could make bits & pieces and sell them along with my oils, oily accessories & own products at the market. Boy did I bite off more than I could chew hahaha

I discovered quickly I couldn’t do it all especially with a newborn & dropped the sewing. I did my first market a few months after starting the business & fell in LOVE with them! It was so much fun talking to everyone & sharing my oily obsession with our little town.

The name Little Miss Believer came about after writing a big list of words I like & thought well I’m Little & I’m a massive believer hence Little Miss Believer.

I started the business to help myself but I quickly started to realise I was really helping other people, listening to all the success stories people were sharing my ‘Why’ for doing this business shifted. It’s so amazing to know you have helped a little boy sleep longer at night, a mother avoid antidepressants, saved a marriage thanks to their husbands not snoring anymore, helped to give someone the energy to get out of bed in the morning. Their honestly is no better feeling then hearing or reading the powerful stories that come from these oils! I also discovered people are terrified of D.I.Y, they think it’s to hard or I don’t have time. It brings me great pleasure in showing everyone how easy it really is to remove the chemicals & show them that they actually don’t need them.

I’ve also realised I could actually make a living from this business so to speak. I would love to be a stay at home mum for as long as possible, be able to work from home, be there for my kids when they need me & still contribute to paying the bills. I know my husband would approve of this!

So really in a wraps I do this business because……

1. I don’t want to lose me & my voice.

2. To keep myself busy & my brain active.

3. To help & change people’s lives.

4. To show that D.I.Y can be simple & it doesn’t have to be complicated to remove the chemicals from your life.

5. So I can be a stay at home mum for as long as possible & still contribute to paying the household essentials.

Taken from Rosie’s presentation at the Convention…….

I choose to flip the negatives into positives!

Acknowledge my fears but do it anyway.

I’m going to use my fears as fuel to kick some serious ass!

I’m going to acknowledge my blocks, face them head on, work through them & as Rosie said not set up camp there ANYMORE!

I want to thank Rosie for such a powerful life changing presentation, I want to thank dōTERRA for an amazing convention & for encouraging us all to show up, bring ourselves and leading with such integrity, I want to thank my amazing Husband for taking us all to Sydney and looking after our babies so I could follow my dreams. I could write a blog on how awesome my husband is on its own but I would be here forever.

If you have made it to the end of this long blog post, I thank you for taking the time to read my dribble.

My last parting words from the epic convention…..

“Truly align with what you believe in & great things will happen!”

Peace, Love & Oils